Saturday 22 October 2016

End of the rainy season

In some ways I love the rainy season.  Everywhere is green and the grass grows up to 5 feet tall.

This is the entrance to my garden.  There's a lawn on the other side but I let the grass grow around the edges cos it's so gorgeous.

 It made such a nice backdrop to lovely warm evenings and a glass of chilled wine.

The landlady has a gardener to look after the rest of the compound.  In the bottom right of the top picture you just about see the top of my compost heap.  I throw kitchen scraps and grass cuttings on there.  For some reason the gardener keeps taking it away so the other day when I was on my way out I asked him to leave the compost heap alone.  I know it's not in my own garden, its outside in the public area, but it's really not in anyone's way.  Somehow he managed to misunderstand and thought I wanted all the grass taking away from my garden.

This is what I came home to.


The rains have stopped now so it's going to be hard work to get it back to being a lawn again.

I hung some teacups on my ugly fence and put seeds and water for the birds.


It's very hot.  I'm sure we didn't get temperatures like this in previous years.  It's actually only mid 30's but feels much, much hotter.


  1. How to completely decimate a lush patch of wild garden!!maybe he was scared of you telling him off again??!! i have never been anywhere where the temp was more than 34c - except the sauna!

  2. Dear brother and sister Farnworth,

    I was searching for pictures of the kingdom hall in Kotu and found your blog.

    My husband Tim, daughter Maresa and I are visiting Gambia for the first time for holiday this December.

    Highlights from our holidays are definitely going to the meetings and seeing our brothers and sisters :)

    Hopefully we'll meet each other.

    Kind greetings,

    Cheryl, Tim and Maresa Geerlings
    (from The Netherlands)

    1. Hi, I just saw your message. Maybe you're here already. Hope you enjoy your holiday. The weather has cooled now, it's lovely. Our meetings are in Eboetown, Sunday morning and Tuesday evening. Maybe you can visit.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Janet,

    My words match Tim Geerlings exactly, except, probably, for the dates. We'll be there the second half of January. We'll be attending your meetings, due to the close distance to our hotel. So, hopefully, see you there.
    Question: Is there anything we could take from here that might be of use to brothers and sisters there?


    Isabel and Pedro

    1. Hi, look forward to meeting you. Look me up on Instagram, janet.farnworth. The children still love pens, pencils, exercise books, that type of thing. There is still a big shortage of tablets or smart phones that take JW Library. If any of the brothers there are upgrading and would like to donate their old phones they would be really appreciated. We use them a lot on the ministry, there are about 7 languages in Gambia so we find the videos invaluable. Of course without smart phones they can't use them.

  4. Found it janet how will i know when you have a new blog ?

  5. Found it janet how will i know when you have a new blog ?

  6. Found it janet how will i know when you have a new blog ?

    1. If you go to the top of the page, right hand side, and click the follow button it must let you know in some way, email perhaps?
