Monday 10 October 2016

2016 Update

I had no idea how long it had been since I updated my blog.  A couple of people have mentioned it so I thought it's time to update you on what I've been up to lately.

I'm still loving my birds.

Okay, you get the idea.  My love of nature isn't restricted to birds.  I also love snakes and we are very fortunate to have a reptile farm about an hour's drive away where you get to cuddle (and be cuddled by) pythons!!

I took a huge bunch of kids to the snake farm and to the beach afterwards.  They never get to go to the beach so it's a real treat for them.  They don't have swimming costumes, they just run about in their underwear.  They don't have towels either.  Just stuff we take for granted.  I gave out some of my old ones.  But not having the 'proper' beach equipment doesn't stop them from having fun.

Our friends, Clare and Susan came for a month.  We love it when people visit.
Clare loved it so much she decided to move here and will rent a house in our compound.

Cute isn't it!

 We did the usual touristy stuff with them, snake farm, crocodile park etc.  Terry prefers not to get too close to the crocs, he prefers looking at weird fruit.

Oh! Nearly forgot my cats.  I seem to get through quite a few here.  Sadly.

This was my adorable cat, Smwt.  He was so affectionate and lovely.  He got in a fight and died of rabies.  He's not dead in this picture, he's just sleeping.

He was a funny cat, he loved me pouring water on him. I've never had a cat quite like him.

And poor little Minty.  I found him while we were out preaching.  He had a damaged back leg but it turned out to be tetanus and we couldn't save him.

So now we have Bryniog, remember that cute little kitten we adopted during construction?  He managed to survive all the nasty diseases and accidents that befall cats here and has grown into a lovely healthy cat.

And Hilja who belonged to our neighbours who moved back to Europe.  He's a bit of a grump but I love him anyway.

Next time I'll post a few pictures of our trip to UK.  It's hard work writing anything at the moment.  October is the hottest month.  As I'm writing it says 33 feels like 46.  It occasionally reaches 50.


  1. How many kids did you take to the beach Janet?! Like your comment about if Smwt the cat is dead in the picture! I never thought he / she was!
    Glad to see you are back blogging again
    From James in Sheffield , England

  2. I think 10 on that trip and 4 on another. It was only when I saw the picture of Smwt later I thought he could look like he was dead. Aww, I miss that cat.
