Tuesday 27 December 2016

Days Out With Visitors

A lovely Dutch family visited our meetings so we took them preaching and out in the afternoon.

A cool python round your neck on a hot day.  What's not to love!

 When we'd had our fill of snakes we went for a walk on Boboi Beach and dinner at the Lodge. Somehow the best times with friends always involve food.

Another day we preached in the morning then went on studies.  I took the girls on a couple of mine and we finished with Ndateh so we invited her along with us.

We were told of a place called Lamin Fish Farm which is in the town where we live.  I'm amazed I never heard of it before.  It was small and cheap but very pretty.

I couldn't get a good picture but they kept Indian peafowl and some were leucistic (similar to albino but they don't have pink eyes).  I don't know if this one was semi-leucistic or was the result of cross breeding between the two.  I've never seen one before.

Ndateh was fascinated by the ostrich.  She'd never seen one before.

The guide told us they did have four but three died.  What happened?  The got their heads stuck in the gate.  You would think that after the first one died they would do something about the dangerous gate but no.  "This is Gambia."

In the next cage were two ducks.  The guide told us they had lots more but they died.  What happened?  Ants.  The ducks were in a large run but were put in smaller cages at night and the ants came and ate them alive.

Moving swiftly on . . . .

There are fish tanks in the middle with lots of different fish.  All managing to survive.

But the very best part was this beautiful lake.  I don't know how long we stayed there but I could have moved in.  It was so pretty and green.  Gambia is very brown in the dry season so to find this oasis was wonderful.

They keep fish in here too, catfish and tilapia

The owner had joined us by now and produced a fishing rod for anyone who wanted to catch a fish and throw it back.

Maresa caught a big one . . .

Terry was hoping to catch some supper,

 but only caught a tiddler.

We finished the day with a meal at Blue Kitchen

Their holiday ended with a meeting.  We'll miss you guys. Xxx


  1. Great photos as ever Janet.

    I am starting a new UK charity to raise money for a new ostrich gate!!

    Freezing cold here in Sheffield - 1 degree during the day! imagine that


    1. I can't imagine! When I was there in July it was 15, I nearly died. Thanks for the ostrich gate. He'll appreciate it. 😁

  2. The lake is a beautiful serene place to be. I will try to picture myself sitting there next to you, on especially rough days!!!

  3. My friend had an 11 feet long albino python. Named Necron. And a 5 feet long boa constrictor named Reggie. Being cold blooded they were especially comforting on hot days!!!! LOL��

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