Wednesday 10 September 2014

Kingdom Hall 9 - It's finished! First meeting.

Such a happy day!

Thanks so much to all my wonderful brothers and sisters who have helped.  Most have been from our local congregations but we've had visitors from all over the world who came to have a share.  Some broke their backs and sweated with us, some fed us, all laughed with us and encouraged us.  There's NOTHING like Jehovah's organization!


The car park was covered with shells.

 Arriving for the first meeting, 9 September 2014. 

  Our lovely Linda.

Inside.  The Hall has a lovely warm cosy feel about it.  We're still using the chairs from the old Hall until the new benches arrive.

Sadly Terry and I weren't able to be present for the first meeting, we had to do night security at the new site.  We dropped off the brothers and sisters who live near us and had to leave before the meeting started.

As we drove away the Hall looked so inviting.  A BIG storm was brewing and broke just as the meeting started.  We need to get some sort of sound proofing on the tin roof.  Even so, everyone was happy to be there and happy to have been part of the construction of the first Kingdom Hall build in The Gambia!


  1. Dear Janet, thanks for sharing the joy of the new Kingdom hall and the first meeting (also when you could not attend). For sure you will attend to the first assembly in the new Assembly hall. You won't miss it.
    Well done all you brothers & sisters overthere and kudos to all of you who made sacrifices to help at the construction and also will do so for the 2nd hall :)

    1. Thanks Hadassa. Did you send a facebook request a while ago? Could you send it again, it got lost somewhere. I tried to look for you but I didn't have enough info. Thanks.

    2. Lol ... have seen just now the msg ... ok you know that I got not lost somewhere :D

  2. Janet, Congratulations on your beautiful Kingdom Hall and the first in Gambia to boot! I just found you through Linka's blog. I am learning we have many of our wonderful Missionaries that have blogs from around the world. I love getting to see and learn about our dear family and look forward to the time when we will all eventually meet and get to know each other.

    1. Hi Carol. Thanks for your kind comments. Just to clarify we're need greaters, not missionaries. With 8 million and counting it'll take a while to get to know everyone but we have plenty of time ;)

  3. I don't think I have heard the term before. Can you explain a bit more about it. Sometimes I'm dense about things. It has to do with Fibro Fog and the damage from the chemicals. It's all just temporary!

    1. Need greaters are people who move to where there is a greater need. An example is it's used in The Watchtower October 15 2014 page 5 under the heading What About Secular Work? Sorry about your condition. My mum had fibromyalgia for about 5 years. It eventually went away on its own but I know it's not easy to deal with in the meantime.

  4. Thought I had already answered this but guess I didn't. I had one of those big DUH! moments. How on earth I got Need Greeters out of Need Greaters I'll never know unless it was another fibro fog moments. More and more I misread words. This time, I'll click publish too instead of what ever I clicked last time. I looked up the term for the waste disposal you put in and it appears to work the same as a septic system though I couldn't figure out how the liquid would drain from a concrete one. What matters is, it does.

  5. Greetings from Estonia! So nice to see your new kingdomhall! Miika and Elina promised also pics, but maybe they were too busy with construction... I visited them about two years ago, my name is Heidi. I am living in Estonia, but finn. Actually Miika is my cousin.
    Looking forward to see your next building project!!
