Wednesday 10 September 2014

Kingdom Hall 9 - It's finished! First meeting.

Such a happy day!

Thanks so much to all my wonderful brothers and sisters who have helped.  Most have been from our local congregations but we've had visitors from all over the world who came to have a share.  Some broke their backs and sweated with us, some fed us, all laughed with us and encouraged us.  There's NOTHING like Jehovah's organization!


The car park was covered with shells.

 Arriving for the first meeting, 9 September 2014. 

  Our lovely Linda.

Inside.  The Hall has a lovely warm cosy feel about it.  We're still using the chairs from the old Hall until the new benches arrive.

Sadly Terry and I weren't able to be present for the first meeting, we had to do night security at the new site.  We dropped off the brothers and sisters who live near us and had to leave before the meeting started.

As we drove away the Hall looked so inviting.  A BIG storm was brewing and broke just as the meeting started.  We need to get some sort of sound proofing on the tin roof.  Even so, everyone was happy to be there and happy to have been part of the construction of the first Kingdom Hall build in The Gambia!

Wednesday 3 September 2014

Kingdom Hall 8

We've made a lot of progress in the last few weeks.  The rain has been a problem from time to time, as has the heat, but we're very nearly finished.  I still have computer problems so here are a bunch of photos from the past month.

A couple of charming visitors.  the top one is chameleon, they're quite common here but we don't get to see them very often.  I'm not sure which type of lizard the second one is but he was very beautiful.  He climbed up my leg and spent the afternoon on my back, ending up nuzzled in my hair.   CUUUUUUTE!!

Laying the path from the front door to the road went well until it started raining.  When I came in next morning the concrete had dried with rain spots and dog paw prints.

I spent a day making the fence with Gregoire who only speaks French.  Again he has a wonderful way of speaking English.  "Come smoll nells".  Ummm, you want me to bring small nails??  Oui.  Come towEL.  We don't have any towels on site, I had no idea what he wanted.  I pretended to dry my face.  Non.  He made a digging motion.  Ahhh, you mean TRowel!!  These guys try so hard and we have a lot of laughs. . . as we sink slowly into the mud.

 I cut my finger on a piece of the wire so went to get a plaster.  As I came back to Gregoire he did exactly the same thing!  Matching fingers.

Making the car park by hand has been a huge job.  After levelling it all off (with a slight slope for rain) we then covered it in red stones that are so often used here for roads.  The wheelbarrow looks a little worse for wear.  We have another with a bucket but no wheel.

Happy workers.

This is Terry, and Emiko who has come from California to help us out.

The stones are delivered by truck and crushed with a machine.  

Terry working on the beautiful shutters.  The shutters are my favourite part of the whole Hall, such beautiful wood!

The Taylor Team laying blocks on the generator house.

The blocks on the top half are strange, they're angled to let air flow through.


Lunchtime.  There aren't any seats in the Hall, we sit on cement sacks, the platform, bits of wood or the windowsill.
Vasile taking advantage of a convenient table to eat at.

We know it's nearly over when we're ready for planting.  Donkey Plants and Spider Lilies.

Planting bougainvillia.  this will be so lovely when it's grown, multicoloured flowers all around the Hall.

Yama taking after her Daddy and learning the electrics.

Terry spent a couple of days in the HOT store room putting up shelves.

 Next time should be the final pictures.   THEN we start all over again with the other Kingdom Hall and Assembly Hall.