Saturday 19 July 2014

Kingdom Hall 6 Building in the rain

The rains seemed a little late this year but they've arrived at last.  There's good and bad to the rainy season.  It's the time of year when it's very hot and the rains cool it down a little.  They also bring out the most wonderful fungi.  This was growing on one of the logs that we use as benches in the canteen.

We can work for a little while in the rain but sometimes it comes down too hard and we have to stop and wait till it's over.

But we don't get bored, Freedom is always ready with something to play.  This is a mini home made draughts.  He calls himself a play boy because he likes games.  I don't think he understands the English meaning of the word.

Haddy and Susan came prepared.

I love the way rain sits on black skin, so pretty.

After the rain Vasile dug a trench to get rid of all the water. 

This is what we're up to when it's not raining.  Terry is cutting the roof sheets.  

Ben is filing off the rough edges.

I I finally got to do some block laying.  Yama trained me.

My first block and my mornings work (top row only).  I would have done more if it hadn't been for the rain.

Laying the roof.   Is that the right word?  Laying?   Putting the roof on.  Think I'm too tired, I've forgotten how to speak English. 

Once the roof was completed we could use the Hall as a storage room and demolish the little house we were using. Kinda sad, it was cute.

Today we started on the landscaping so hopefully we'll be completing it all very soon. 


  1. Hi Janet :)
    thanks a lot for your update.
    We are just back home from a wonderful, amazing, awesome spiritual highlight ... from our Convention in Vienna. We were connectet with the International Convention in Frankfurt so as all the other Conventions in the German speaking territory too. Some talks from brothers from the Governing Body were translated simultaneous in 17 languages in all over the German Branch on Video Walls to all our Conventions in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.
    In attendance: 223.954
    Baptized: 1.494

    1. Wow!! This is an incredible event happening all over the world. I've had fantastic reports from USA and I'm looking forward to hearing from the sisters attending the UK conventions. We will have ours in December (probably). We usually get around 600 in attendance. It FEELS international as we have many countries represented but it isn't quite the same.

  2. Yeah! I noticed the Convention in the Gambia on a few days ago. I was so happy about and we are looking forward.

  3. Such an enjoyable time even if it is hard work. We were privileged to be able to download the New Jersey International Convention to our computer so we could stream it through our ROKU to our TV. We had to wait to watch it though until our Congregation was in Portland at out Regional Convention. Even though it wasn't ours or our Brothers and Sisters it still brought tears of joy just being able to actually SEE a Convention and not just hear the voices. Jehovah truly takes care of his own!
