Monday 16 June 2014

New Kingdom Hall 3

We seemed to make an incredible amount of progress this week.  As you can see the walls are going up and the area to the right of the picture has been cleared of rubble.  A lot was taken away and the rest was moved to the centre of the picture to build up the area in front of the Hall.

Thought I'd introduce you to some of our volunteers.

 Lus and Celine are need greaters from Paris, currently serving in Dakar.  They heard about the project and came down for a week to help out.

 This is Anna, a need greater from UK.   She recently moved here with her husband after serving 6 years in Dominican Republic. 

You can see the steel fixings that I've been making in the channel.  These footings are gonna be STRONG!!

 We had wheelbarrows of concrete trailing back and to all afternoon. 

 We've been learning all sorts of new skills.  This is Ben (my son) cutting steel . . .
  . . . and Yama helping with laying blocks.
 This is Chris, one of our ministerial servants.  Always smiling!

And Madeleine, one of our unbaptised publishers.

 These are the current toilets.  They have a neat system where the red bucket is filled with clean water for hand washing then the water pours into a bucket underneath which is then used to flush the toilet!  The toilets are the ceramic hole in the ground type, didn't think you'd want a picture of them. 

I just KNOW you've been dying to ask about the toilets.  This is the pit where all the stuff that goes down the toilet will go.  Apparently one side fills then goes to the other side through the holes then seeps away.   Sorry, I didn't get the details properly.  


  1. Dear Janet, family and volunteers :)
    Keep up the good work so that we can enjoy a new kingdom hall ;p
    Thank you very much for the update.

    1. Thanks Hadassa, It's a lot of work but also a lot of fun and will be a big shout of praise to Jehovah when it's done.

  2. Will it be similar to a septic system?

    1. I don't think so. Septic tanks need emptying but this system doesn't, it all just soaks away. It's called a soakaway. The whole thing seems to be concrete so I don't know HOW it soaks away.
