Friday 8 February 2013


3.6.13  I went to visit a bat colony.  There are thousands of Straw Coloured Fruit Bats not too far from here.  Enjoy the pictures.

Sun Squirrel at Abuko Nature Reserve

Violet Turaco at Abuko Nature Reserve

Red Bellied Paradise Flycatcher at Abuko Nature Reserve

African Thrush at Abuko Nature Reserve

Never trust a smiling crocodile.  Taken at Katchikally Crocodile Pool.

This little guy was trapped in a plastic bottle and seemed to take a liking to me after rescuing him.  See the way his hand is wrapped round my thumb, it was like he was cuddling me, awww, cute little thing.

I don't know how he managed it but Kat brought us gift of a bat.  Fortunately it was unharmed and hung around in the living room for the evening.  We weren't sure what to do with it as it couldn't seem to find the door.  Fortunately Toye, the vet, visited and after the bat fell asleep he pulled it away from the wall with a stick and took it outside.  He flew away quite happily.  This was a small one but I can't find out which type it is.  The bats we usually see are fruit bats and are huge, I think Kat would think twice about going for one of them.  He came face to face with our neighbours hen one day and had to back down.  Wimp!!


  1. Many thanks for accepting the invitation! On iNaturalist, please add your observation to AfriBats and have a look at the identification:

    If you should have another picture of this bat, please consider adding it to the observation as it might help to further identify it.

  2. Oh, I love bats. They have the cutest little faces...normally...some look deformed.
