Saturday 7 July 2012


Some of my favourite photos of Tiger.

Tiger as a kitten

He seemed to fit his new bed perfectly but he didn't use it very often

Enjoying the sun.  He only spent time outside when we were out with him.

Curious about everything

His usual position, cuddling on my knee

He loved to play with us

Back to back or face to face they loved to sleep together.

Travelling to Spain.  They were three days in this cage.

He loved exploring.

He loved to be involved in whatever we were doing.

Is it my turn yet?

Such a beautiful cat.

What are you doing?

Travelling to Africa

Relaxing in Sukuta Nema.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love the pictures of Tiger , cats have such beautiful and individual personalities . Its such another world you are living in , I love reading your blogs each month and theres always something to have a giggle about , you never mention , unless I've missed it , what you or Ben or terry do to earn a living , how do you survive financially ? I can't even begin to imagine what employment is like over there ..
    heaps of love to you all , Chantelle

  3. Hi, you can imagine that as one of the poorest nations in the world employment is a bit thin on the ground. That also means that it's cheap to live. Terry has set up a little business. He has a car diagnostics scanner so he scans cars for electrical faults, then either leaves it to the mechanics to repair or repairs it himself, depending on the what the customer wants. Ben gets the customers for him and I do the paperwork. Aside from that we are using our savings. Our reason for being here is to preach so the business is just a little something to help stretch our savings.
    We miss Tiger terribly. He was just a big fat bundle of love and fun.

  4. Hello,
    This is a bizar request, but I am a brother from San Clemente California and I need to pay for a brother to verify an asset that is in Banjul. Do you know of a brother that may be available in the next day or so to spend about an hour to make sure that a product we are purchasing exists...there are so many scam artists out there. My name is Raece Richardson and Bethel does not really assist with business requests...One of my elders was a missionary in Burkin Fasao, sorry about spelling, but he does not know of anyone there. I was searching and found your blog. My email is
