Tuesday 18 October 2011

18 October 2011

We found a lovely house to rent from a brother and sister who are leaving the Gambia to preach in another part of West Africa. I don't want to show you all the photos now as the house is still theirs but here's and sneak peek. This should put your minds at rest that we're not going to be living a primitive life in a mud hut in the jungle. The house has three bedrooms (plenty of rooms for guests) and two shower rooms, living room, kitchen, dining room and utility room. Best of all (for Janet anyway) it comes with a dog!! She called Bobo.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations our friends...
    We know you will enjoy this new field, and we ask to Jehovah for his bleasing for you.

    lots of love.

    Ignacio y Oli.
