Friday 3 October 2014

Trip to Kartong

Before starting on the next build Terry and I snuck away for a few days well earned break.  We headed south to Boboi Lodge, Kartong.  It's a very quiet area, especially at this time of year out of the tourist season.

We started to relax heading down the road.

We stayed in an African style hut.  There is no electricity here, just a solar panel and led lights in the rooms.  We had a phone free holiday.  Bliss!!

We had the beach to ourselves.

Just us and a whimbrel . . . .

. . . And Pink Backed Pelicans

We went on some beautiful walks . . .

and met some beautiful Gambian wildlife.


female Olive bellied Sunbird

Weaver bird nest

White Faced Whistling ducks

We found a gorgeous beauty spot jam packed full of birds.  All of the following were taken at this pond and there were many more I didn't get to photograph.

 Pied Kingfisher

Red Billed Hornbill

 Black Headed Plover

Yellow birds.  I have books with pages of yellow birds, no idea what these are.

These two are the Northern Red Bishop and Yellow Headed Bishop.  The Red seem to flock to me when they see my camera and are very visible at this time of year.  this was my first time seeing the Yellow.  It kept it's distance and wouldn't keep still!