Monday 29 August 2011


Wednesday, 10 August 2011
Booked our flights. You may think this is a little early, after all, we're not flying till 17 January 2012. The reason was that we're so laid back that if we didn't do something drastic now it just wouldn't happen and we'd be trying to find last minute flights and end up with all sorts of diseases because we didn't get the vaccinations in time. Now we have a deadline and we're making progress.
Reservemos los vuelos para el 17 enero. Ahora tenemos una fecha limite y vamos progresando.

Monday, 15 August 2011
Made the decision not to take a container. The price kept going up and up so in the end we decided to take what we could in our suitcases. Luggage allowance: 23 kg in the hold, 10 kg in our hands PLUS 2 cats in boxes.
Decidimos no llevar contenador, solo maletas y cajas para los gatos.

Monday, 29 August 2011
Went for our vaccination consultation. We understood they would just tell us what we needed, we didn't know we were actually going to start TODAY. So far we've had Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Rabies, Tetanus, Diptheria, Typhoid.

Big Brave Ben went in first and came back with a smile on his face but unable to move his arms.

valiente Ben entró primero y volvió con una sonrisa, pero no podia mover sus brazos.

Janet went next and achieved the notable distinction of being the first woman to pass out under that doctor. Very embarrassing!!
Janet fue siguiente y tuvo la distinción de ser la primera mujer en marearse bajo ese doctor. Que verguenza!!

Terry was better prepared and made sure he was lying down before they started. He had to stay horizontal for ten minutes then it took three attempts to get up. We're such wimps!!

estaba mejor preparado y se aseguró de acostarse antes de empezar. Tuvo que permanecer horizontal durante diez minutos.

We have to go again next monday (5th) for the same jabs, then again on monday 19th. We have to go for blood tests to see which further vaccinations are necessary but that will definitely include Yellow Fever then we have to start Malaria tablets nearer the time.

Tuesday, 6 September
Received an email from Spanair saying our afternoon flight from Santiago to Barcelona had been canceled and would we like to go from Coruna (1.5 hours away) at 10.30 in the morning, change in Madrid. This would add around 6 hours to the day. No thanks!! We researched the flights and asked if we could change to Saturday 21 January leaving Vigo (nearer than Santiago) at 2.20 pm. They agreed and gave us an upgrade so we can now take 50kg of luggage each instead of 33kg. Much better!!

Spanair cambian los vueltos, por eso vamos a marchar del aeropuerto de Vigo a las 14.20 en el dia sabado, 21 de enero 2012.

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

I made a video of my solar cooker. We thought it would come in handy in Gambia. I put the food on, go out for the morning and it's ready for when I get home. None of the liquid escapes so it retains all the nutrients and even I can't burn the food. Apparently all you need is a SUNNY day, it doesn't have to be a HOT day. Perfect fossil-fuel-free cooking!

Video de mi cocina solar.

Friday, 23 September 2011

The cats have new airline-friendly travel boxes. I just hope they're still this happy when we're 10,000 feet in the air!

Los gatos en sus cajas de viajes.

<- Kat Tiger ->